Discover Jaffna Fort: A Journey Through Time in Sri Lanka’s Northern Gem

When you hear Sri Lanka, the first impressions likely include Kandy tea plantations or the main beaches located in the South. But if one wants to see a part of Sri Lanka’s history and a much less frequented part by tourists, Jaffna Fort is a place to go. This beautiful and stunning historical monument located right in the middle of Jaffna is more over a fort but a wonderful piece that reflects the various cultures that form part of the Northern Province of Sri Lanka.


Jaffna Fort History In Brief

Jaffna Fort was established in 1618 by the Portuguese and all its masters vanished with time but the fort endured them all. First build purely as a defense structure, the Dutch took control of the place in 1658 and turned it to the star design which is there to be seen today. The British later on did their own things and made their presence felt during the colonial ages. Each one of these colonial powers left their mark, turning the fortress into a glass showcase containing architectural styles and military histories.

What Are the Reasons To Visit Jaffna Fort?

1. A Walk Through History: Once you cross the large entrance gate, you find that this is one tedious but interesting place. The weather-beaten fort walls have endured stormy rains, bloody sieges, and scorched summers. But still, they raise up their heads full of history. The walk on the ramparts is wonderfully captivating too as there is the beautiful view of the Jaffna Peninsula and lagoon on a clear day, making it a place for photographers and viewers as well.

2. Discover the Ruins: Within the compound of the fortress are relics such as the Queen’s House, Dutch Church, and the Former Prison. Although, in their current state no longer of use, were a center of life and power. Their inner being and history would make a person want to go back in time where forts were a center of chaos and business where soldiers went out to fight and merchants to sell.

3. Connect with the Local Culture: Jaffna is a living city with good mix of Tamilian and colonial influences. Apart from the fort you actually need to spend sometime in the city after the tour itself. The Jaffna Public Library attracts scholars and students because it is one of the oldest and most important libraries in Asia; A walk through local bazaars can offer to taste traditional dishes: Jaffna crab stew.

4. A Tranquil Escape: While Jaffna Fort has historical importance, the site is not very crowded and what is more, can become a great place to relax and have a rest away from the main attractions of Sri Lanka. On the walls you can sit with your back towards the sea and watch the sunset while pondering over the history of the place that took for centuries.



Tips for Your Visit

Best Time to Visit: The preferable time for visiting Jaffna is from January to April since it is moderately hot during this period. This is also good time to taste the local fairs and other cultural activities.

Getting There: There are also train, bus or getting there by car from Colombo. The train journey itself is more beautiful one because it passes through the greenery areas and one can get a glimpse of real Sri Lankan countryside.

What to Bring: Sneakers, a hat and, especially, water as there are no shops nearby, so it is better to have enough of them. Its extensive are is perfect to be defended and walking in the tropical sun can be quite exhausting.

Respect the Site: As with all historical sites do not touch anything do not climb on anything, and do not move anything. Do not through litter around and ensure you do not tamper with any parts of the ruins.

Final Thoughts
Jaffna Fort is not just an archaeological structure but also stands as a brave heart of Jaffna with telling stories of valor and strength of the people of Jaffna. This tour is especially recommended for the history lovers, culture vultures or those, who seek a quiet vacation, a walk through Jaffna Fort will be a rewarding experience. Therefore, the next time you plan the tour to Sri Lanka, do not forget to list Jaffna and its grand fort among your attractions. Not but with tangible things which are easily forgotten but you will leave with stories and memories to cherish.


Read more about Top 10 Attractions in Jaffna