The Jaffna Library: A Symbol of Knowledge and Resilience

It is situated in Jaffna city which is one of the cultural and historical cities in Sri Lanka and the Jaffna Library is an iconic building that reflects the true meaning of knowledge, strength and spirit of people. This great institution is not just a place where books are deposited; it is a symbol of struggle and achievements of the people of Jaffna. A great cultural attraction of Sri Lanka that you should consider visiting if you have a free time is this library.


A Brief History
The Jaffna Library was initiated in the year 1933 and within short span of time it emerged as one of the most prominent libraries of South Asian region. It had more than 97000 books including manuscripts, documents of cultural importance that details the history of the Tamil culture in those regions.

Nevertheless, one cannot but mention the dramatic events took place in the library’s history. At the heat of the civil war in Sri Lanka in 1981, the library was burned and this culminated to loss of many literary masterpieces. This event imprinted itself in the community as well as represented the large ethnicity struggle that was to ravage the country for years.

It outlined the Rebirth of a Cultural Landmark
Nevertheless, the Jaffna Library was rebuilt after it was burnt to the ground; in fact, the Library was reborn like the mythical bird the Phoenix. The library has undergone through constructions and renovations later it was reopened in the year 2003. Today, it symbolises the spirit of the people of Jaffna and their firm resolve of keeping their culture intact.

Anyone who is likely to visit the library will be able to observe that the building architecture is traditional Tamil architecture with fine woods and columns. Quietness won’t be an issue to worry about when in the library, whether you want to flip through the large number of books in the library or maybe just want to appreciate the historical significance contained in the library.


This is why you should visit the Jaffna Library

Cultural Significance: Jaffna Library has its role to play as it is much more than a library where people read books. The latter is an emblem of the unique culture and resistance of the Tamil people. Going to this library makes one understand the past of this community and the problems that they have faced.

Architectural Beauty: The library is regarded as a work of art in terms of architecture. It is built in the traditional Tamil architecture that has beautiful columns, carving and above all a serene atmosphere that assures anyone who visits the place to discover more unique features.

A Place of Learning: It is a treasure trove for anyone interested in history, or literature regardless of it being a student, or just anybody who have an innate curiosity. It has books in manuscripts and other formats extending from the early ages up to the present day literature with virtually every topic of interest.

A Symbol of Peace: For me the rebuilding of the Jaffna Library symbolises the need for understanding and reconciliation. It can be regarded as hope for the future in which knowledge and cultural value will be honored and defended.

Practical Information for Visitors

Location: The Jaffna Library is located right in the heart of the city and therefore it is always easy to get people to visit the place.

Opening Hours: Some of the working hours may include: Tuesday to Saturday 9am to 6pm. It is shut on Mondays and other public holidays also.

Entry Fee: Tourism activities attracts a token charge from which the Bringa area, and particularly this ancient structure, is sustained and preserved.

Guided Tours: Those who want to go beyond the events of the library’s squaring and see more – they are offered a tour around the library. These tours can give a good insight of the libraries pre-its burning, its burning and how it was rebuilt.

However a visit to the Jaffna Library is not merely a revisit to the past but also a revival to the victory of the Tamil culture and heritage. If you ever get a chance to tour through its corridors, you will experience the downtrodden past and the rising future. In a way it may be stereotypical to say but with unarguable certainty, I would like to propose that being a scholar, a tourist or someone interested in history the Jaffna library is one place that is not just informative but evokes a sense of disturbance.

Therefore, you must ensure that you add the Jaffna Library as one of your touristic attractions during your visit to this beautiful country of Sri Lanka. It is not only a library, but a story about existence, a repository of knowledge, a symbol of wider civic and humanistic message that persists to give generations hope.